A Nation is more an imaginary concept than a physical one especially in the case of a nation like India.

The dictionary definition of a uniting "common descent, history, culture or language" definitely doesn't apply here. Similarly it doesn't apply to some of the most successful nations (like the USA or even Israel - where although the judaic religion may be a common thread, descent and culture could vastly differ.

Yuval Noah Harari in his book "Sapiens" describes a nation as a myth. One of the many myths that has enabled human collaboration and progress.

In my view, a common national that most people would agree upon is economic development - which however is not necessary a panacea for human woes.

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Our National gao that can be culled out from our Constitution is Comprehensive National Development (CND). When we say that we do things in our national interest it mmeans that we do it for CND.

A Nation is a group of people with the same culture having a clear geographical focus. If it has a clear geographical boundary with an administrative set up it becomes a Nation State. India is a Nation State. The Union of India is a union of sub-nationalities. Language is the expression of Culture hence we are divided into States on linguistic basis. Within our states cultures vary slightly in different regions of the state. This diversity of cultures is in a cauldron called the Union of India.

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Thank you Sir, for your time and insights! Would you like to provide a little more insight of what the CND is ? It seems right to me.

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What is CND or Comprehensive National Development is not clearly defined anywhere giving the leeway to Statesmen to plan development of the Nation. Every field has to be developed so that the cirizen enjoy the fruits of such development. If one thinks of a field, one can add it whether it be education, social indices, space exploration, innovation entrepreneurship etc. We need a National Doctrine to specify what needs to be done and who will do it. Armed Forces need to provide a conducive environment to ensure that our enemies don't interfere with CND.

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